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Delivery Information

We will ship the product(s) in your order via UPS® courier to the delivery address in the United States of America. Our shipping partner will require a signature by you (or an adult authorized by you) upon receipt of the products. Please note that we will not deliver products to PO boxes, and we will only deliver on normal working days/hours (not on weekends or public holidays).

The courier will make three (3) delivery attempts to deliver the package and obtain a signature. The frequency is three (3) consecutive attempts one each day. After the 3rd attempt we will bring the package to the UPS® customer counter. A post card will be sent informing that the package must be picked up at the customer counter within 7 days or the package will be returned to us and we will process the return. When this occurs, we will notify you and this shall be treated as a free return of your order and we shall provide you with a refund for these products.

If the customer has UPS My Choice®, or the package is being delivered to an area that has Access Points, after first delivery attempt made to your given address courier will drop off the package to an access point, and the customer will have 7 days to pick the package up from the access point before it is returned to us and we will process the return. When this occurs, we will notify you and this shall be treated as a free return of your order and we shall provide you with a refund for these products.

You may check the progress of your order through the link in confirmation email or through the ORDER HISTORY section in the MY ACCOUNT area of our Website, where you will be automatically redirected to the UPS website.

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